認識Karma Relief 這個團體/組織(?) 是2008年的時候
當時的英文老師 Stephen 親身體驗Karma Relief 每年送物資陪孩子們玩耍的活動後,
You must join this trip once upon in your life time.
他說他非常討厭孩子也對這類活動一點興趣都沒有, 但是朋友們強迫他去,
從此之後, 他只要有機會就逢人推薦這個團體以及這項活動.
聽完他說的, 我想, 有機會一定要參加! 很高興今年有這個機會.....
女生們這次借住一位婆婆家打地鋪, 男生們則睡在下野部落的書屋裡
隔天起了大早, 感受到台東的好空氣, 以及空氣中的寧靜
看到孩子們迫不及待到籃球場上集合 我像個外星人一樣觀察他們
用過早餐之後大家陸續幫忙分配物資, 每個小朋友都有一套運動服以及球鞋
分發完禮物之後, 活動開始上場!
受到天氣影響, 只能在有遮掩的籃球場上玩分組競賽
大人們的體力和孩子們的差了好大一截, 紛紛要求休息,
晚餐前, 孩子們和牧師準備了一場歌唱表演
坐在台下的每位大人, 都哭紅了眼
孩子們大概很難理解為什麼這些哥哥姊姊 阿姨叔叔聽他們唱歌會哭得亂七八糟
我想除了被他們美妙的歌聲感動, 還多了一些心疼
和牧師聊天時, 粗略得知部落的問題,
面對這些問題, 我忍不住想"What can I/we do for it?"
這不只是這個部落面對的挑戰, 同時也是台灣的社會問題,
生在這個國家的我們, 可以為這些社會問題做些甚麼呢?
相對於這些孩子, 對於出生在一個健全的家庭的我,
在我的生命裡, "成就任何事物的可能性"以及"陪伴"是理所當然的存在著的,
但是對於這些孩子, 這些似乎不若這般的理所當然
中午及晚上的用餐時間 孩子們對於我們總有問不完的問題
離開孩子圈已經三年的我, 看著他們有一種熟悉的感覺, 讓我想起了當年那一票學生
突然覺得自己的臉部線條好像柔和了些, 好像喚醒了身體裡的笑容功能
謝謝你們, 你們在我的生命裡投入了一些好的因子, 讓我的生命更柔和更懂得感恩
祝福你們未來的人生充滿喜悅, 滿足, 平安!
孩子們, 天主依祂的旨意造每一個妳/你, 祂已替你/妳佈好通往祂的道路,
Dear Lord loves each of you so deeply because who you are.
All of you are loved, so don't be worried. Dear Lord is always around you and support you.
Merry Chirstmas, dear childrend xx
[English Practice]
The beginning of this month, I joined a charity trip to Taitung (Eastern Taiwan)
We visited a small aboriginal Taiwanese village there.
Not only brought those stuff they needed, we also spent whole weeken there with these kids.
These kids are facing pretty similar family issue - Most of them are raised by their grandparents.
There're many reasons to cause this situation.
The main one is - no sufficient job opportunity there, so adults have to work in other cities.
Plus, some parents might not go back to the hometown anymore. Yes, they just left their children.
Raising by grandparents might not be a big issue, however, many of grandparents are subsidized by the governemet.
Moreover, these elderly seem not think that children need growen spending time with them rather than only feeding them.
Which means they might not be THAT capable to raise children.
I can't help thinking - Are there anything I/we can do for it?
Not particularly for this village, obviously this situation is more or less like a society issue.
Do these children have less opportunities to be success due to they have limited resource?
Or they just need some proper education?
I don't think I am able to find out the answer.
But, I truely thank God to offer me this chance.
This is a really special trip.
Spending time with these kids brought me unexpected joy - very simply, very purely.
In someway, I just felt thses children's smile was so pure and natural.
I'm glad that they at least live with the natural which will teach them what core value they should have.
They are the most beautiful babies created by the Lord.